Since my days with Grandma Putt, I’ve been on a mission to spread her gardening gospel, along with the thousands of gardening tips, home remedies, and amazing cures I’ve picked up along the way.

I was also the guy who started the national craze of talking to your plants with the publication of a book by the same title the following year. Since then, I’ve written more than 50 books, and more than twenty million copies have been sold, including my most recent bestsellers, Terrific Garden Tonics, Supermarket Super Products, and Kitchen Counter Cures, found in my online Bookstore.
Starting in the 1970s, I was a frequent guest on TV shows like Dinah's Place, The Mike Douglas Show, The Merv Griffin Show, and The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. I hosted my own TV show, Plants Are Like People, on KMOX (a CBS affiliate) in St. Louis, MO. I also often appeared as a gardening expert on TV morning shows like Kennedy and Company in Chicago and on the ABC affiliatesí morning shows in New York, Detroit, and Los Angeles.
In 1987, I helped found American Master Products, Inc. (AMP), a direct marketing and multi-media company based in New Hudson, Michigan. AMP now owns and manages the Jerry Baker brand, develops content and private label products, and is involved in licensing.

Over the years, I've served as a product spokesperson for a number of national lawn and garden companies including Jacobsen Lawn Mowers, Hudson Sprayers, U.S. Gypsum, and Plantabs. My big break came from my affiliation with the Garden Weasel, where I was the spokesperson in advertising materials, radio and TV ads, print, and point-of-purchase displays. I became widely recognized for my signature line in the Garden Weasel TV commercial, "If you're into gardening like I am..." In 1982, I returned to my roots by becoming the national gardening spokesperson for Kmart Corporation's Garden Centers, a relationship that lasted until 1996.
The website went live in February 1998. I tell you, the web changed a lot of things, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. With all of the modern technology that is now available, I can do research and find things faster than ever before. And that means I can bring you even more great home, health, and garden tips, tricks, and tonics at the click of a mouse.
But the more things change, the more they stay the same. No matter where you live or how much fancy equipment you have, gardening is still gardening. After all of these years, I still longingly look back to those days I spent with my Grandma Putt, who said that all a fellow (or gal) needs is the good earth, a handful of seeds, a little “grow-how,” and a desire to get back to basics. It was that simple back in her day, and it’s still that simple today.