Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Welcome Winter

Well, folks,

It looks like winter is officially upon us, and I still hadn’t given my lawn its winter salt protection treatment. So I liberally sprinkled gypsum in a 5-foot-wide band all over my lawn areas that were within spittin’ distance of where salt might be used. Then I oversprayed the gypsum with a mix of 1 cup of dishwashing liquid, 1/2 cup of ammonia, and 1/2 cup of beer in my 20 gallon hose-end sprayer. Once that was done, I went back inside to get warm.

But just as we were getting ready to decorate our Christmas tree, I discovered that some of my Grandma Putt’s heirloom ornaments had big patches of paint peeling away—yikes! So I stripped the old paint off with a half-and-half solution of ammonia and water. Then I gave ‘em a good rinse. And once the ornaments were completely dry, I sprayed them with glossy enamel paint. They were as good as new, and they look just great on our tree!
Speaking of Christmas, the holidays are no time to get sick. So I’d like to share my special echinacea tincture with you: Mix 3/4 cup of vodka, 2-1/2 tbsp. of dried echinacea root, and 3/4 cup of distilled water mixed in a glass jar with a tight lid. Store it in a cool, dark place for two weeks, and strain it into glass bottles. Then, at the first sign of a cold or flu, mix 2 or 3 drops in a glass of water, and drink up! Try it yourself—this amazing mix keeps me sniffle- and sore-throat-free every Christmas!

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