There’s no plant more popular this time of year than the
poinsettia — except perhaps the Christmas tree itself! If you’re the lucky
recipient of one of these room-brightening flowers, keep it lush and lovely
through the season—and beyond — by following these tips:
1. Poinsettias
like full sun, so keep them near a light source, but sheltered from drafts. If
you set your poinsettia on a windowsill, place a piece of cardboard between the
plant and the window at night to protect it from chilly air.
2. Water your
plant regularly and thoroughly, but don't ever let it stand in water.
3. If your
poinsettia’s foliage starts to yellow, the plant is probably not getting enough
light or nitrogen, or is being watered too much. Set it in a brighter location,
give it a dose of fertilizer, and hold off on the watering until the top of the
soil has dried out.
4. Leaves will
start to wilt if the plant is too dry or is exposed to a draft. Move it to a more
sheltered spot and perk it up with a drink.
To enjoy your
poinsettia for another season, stop watering it after Christmas and store it in
a cool, dry place when the leaves fall off. In spring, water it again and cut
the stems back to 6 inches tall. From early October until blooming starts,
place the plant in a dark closet for 12 hours each night, say from 8:00 p.m. to
8:00 a.m. Keep the plant in a sunny window for the other 12 hours a day, and it
should be in full color again for Christmas 2015!
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