Shiny Hair. Mix 3 cups of beer (any brand or kind will do
fine) with 1 cup of warm water, and use the solution as a final rinse after you
shampoo. Blot gently with a towel. And don’t worry—you won’t smell like a
brewery—the aroma will disappear as your hair dries.
Eliminate Dandruff. Just add a good squirt or two of beer to
your regular shampoo to get rid of dandruff. Hops is an old-time cure for those
pesky flakes!
Have a Soak. After a long, hard day, relax in a beer bath to
soothe your spirits and soften your skin. Just pour three bottles of brew into
a tub of hot water, settle in, and think lovely thoughts!
Also, did you know that having a beer once in a while in
moderation can actually improve your health? That's right. Scientific studies have shown that
it can reduce your likelihood of a stroke, vascular disease, or heart problems. So you can also drink one or two of those extras with no worries! (If you have a health condition or on any medications of any kind, make sure to check with your doctor before consuming any alcoholic beverages.)
For more easy DIY tips and tricks, check out our bestselling book, Healing Remedies Hiding in Your Kitchen! It's loaded with tons of DIY recipes and remedies that use ordinary household products to improve your health, beauty, and overall well-being. You can even try it out for FREE for a full 21 days with our exclusive Free Preview offer!
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