Mix 50 pounds of pelletized gypsum, 50 pounds of pelletized lime, 5 pounds of bonemeal, and 2 pounds of Epsom salts in a wheelbarrow. Apply the mixture to your lawn with a broadcast spreader no more than two weeks before your first fertilizing. This will help aerate the lawn, while giving it something to munch on until you start your regular feeding program.
Spring is also a super time to aerate your lawn. For best results, aerate the morning after you water the grass or after a heavy rain because the soil will be easier to penetrate then. First, poke holes in your soil easily with our Aerating Lawn Sandals. Then, put some sifted peat moss, dried manure, or compost in a broadcast spreader, and apply a layer about ¼ inch thick to the whole area.
For more spring lawn tips, check out our bestselling book, All-American Lawns. This amazing book is full of super solutions to help your turf rise, shine, and grow into the most gorgeous green grass you’ve ever seen! You can even try it out for FREE for a full 21 days with our Free Preview!
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